
EN美国干眼专家Laura Periman博士至我院讲座

发布时间:2017/09/13 18:18

912日,来自美国Redmond Eye ClinicLaura Periman博士来到山东省眼科医院进行学术交流和讲座。
讲座以《Illuminating the Dark Places of Ocular Surface Disease》为题, Periman博士在讲座中首先详细解读了国际干眼协会DEWSⅡ专家共识,然后介绍了当今干眼症的领先治疗方法与先进仪器设备,参加讲座的临床医师纷纷表示受益匪浅。
讲座结束后,Periman博士在山东省眼科医院副院长高华教授、王婷教授等专家的陪同下重点参观了医院远程会诊中心、眼库、角膜病科等,在参观过程中,Periman博士不断的赞叹“amazing hospital!”,对省眼科医院的建设与发展、科研水平表示赞赏,重点对医院在角膜病领域取得的突出成就给予了高度评价,希望能与省眼科医院达成进一步的交流与合作。


Laura Periman, an American Dry Eye Specialist, Gave a Lecture at Shandong Eye Hospital

On September 12, Dr. Laura Periman, from the Redmond Eye Clinic in the United States, came to Shandong Eye Hospital for academic exchanges and delivered a lecture.

The title of the lecture is Illuminating the Dark Places of Ocular Surface Disease. Dr. Laura Periman first explained the TFOS DEWSin detail, and then introduced the leading treatment methods and advanced equipment for the treatment of xerophthalmia. The clinicians who have listened to the lecture said they have benefited a lot from it.

After the lecture, Prof. Hua GAO and Ting WANG, the vice presidents of Shandong Eye Hospital, showed the Teleconference Center, Eye Bank and Department of Corneal Disease of the hospital to Dr. Laura Periman. During the visit, Dr. Laura Periman praised the construction, development and the scientific research level of the hospital for many times. “Amazing hospital!” said Dr. Laura Periman. She was impressed by the achievements the hospital has made in the treatment of corneal disease and looks forward to further communications and cooperation with Shandong Eye Hospital.









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